Определение возраста по фото онлайн

What Can Your Age Tell About Your Life in the US?

When you have two vital information about a person (age and where they live), it’s not hard to have wild guesses about their lifestyle. However, here, you can find some attention-grabbing statistics based on the results of the age calculator.

Your Job

16-24: There’s a 48.8% chance that you don’t have a job. According to Statista, only 52.2 out of 100 Americans aged between 16 to 24 are currently working.

25-29: The latest studies show that you’re more likely to have a job than someone aged 45-54. Every 79.4 (almost 80) out of 100 of your peers currently have a paying job.

30-34: You are among the top 2 groups of Americans who have a job in 2020. Statistics show that 8 out of 10 people who’re 30- to 34-year-old are employed.

35-44: Only 2 out of 10 Americans in this group are unemployed. People at this age are the most likely ones to be employed compared to all other groups.

45-54: This is the stage where many people get ready for retirement. However, according to the statistics, 79 out of 100 US citizens between 45 and 54 are still working.

54+: It’s highly unlikely that someone older than 54 is employed in 2020. Only 39 out of 100 citizens in this group currently have a job.

Your Salary

16-24: According to BLS, your average weekly income in 2020 is $603.

25-34: Your average weekly revenue is $902.

35-44: People of your age make $1,114 per week.

45-54: The typical weekly salary of you and your peers is $1,133.

55-64: Americans at your age make $1,093 each week.

Your Sex Life and Marital Status

18-24: only 28 out of 100 single Americans at this age have intercourse and sexual activity. That’s while 79 out of 100 married Americans have sex at this stage of their life.

25-29: According to Statista, married citizens of the US who are 25 to 29 years old have the most intercourse. The study suggests that only 26.2% of single adults at the same age have sex.

30-39: The second sexually active group is 30- to 39-year-old. The rate of sex between married ones is 90.2%. However, only 10 out of 100 single adults at this stage experience intercourse.

40-49: Almost 8 out of 10 Americans who are wedded still have sex at this point. However, the rate for single ones is only 1 out of 10 might have sexual activity.

50-59: While nearly 68% of married citizens still have sexual activity at this age, the rate for singles is as low as 5%.

60-69: 4 out of 100 single Americans at this age have sex. But the number is much higher for married individuals (around 53%).

Things You Can and Cannot Do

Age You Can Do You Cannot Do
0-16 –      Consent to have sex

–      Work full-time if you dropped out of school

–      Drive a car

–      Drink beverages

17-21 –      Register to vote

–      Get a driving license

–      Adopt a child (over 21)

–      Drink Alcohol

–      Cannot vote before 18

–      Cannot rent a car before 21

When Do You Need to Use an Age Calculator?

Some think that online dob determinators are only entertaining tools. While that’s one aspect, there are other occasions where such a device does more than fun. Here are some examples:

1.  When You’re in a Hurry to Become an Adult

Let’s say next Friday is your 17th birthday. And according to the popular belief, you’re starting the 18th year of your life. So, are you officially a grownup now? Unfortunately, not.

It matters to know when exactly you are mature. That’s because most countries have age-related laws that restrict teens and juveniles.  So, you can use a reliable online age calculator before assuming yourself mature. If you enter the date of birth according to your ID, the tool lets you know if you’re 18 or not.

2. When You’re Bored

Age calculators offer fun statistics about the time of your life. Several numbers make you go “wow” for sure. For instance, knowing how many seconds you’ve been alive is interesting. Each year on earth equals 525600 minutes—simple math. But what about leap years? An accurate online how old am I calculator provides you with all that information in a blink of an eye.

3. When You’re Curious

Your granny believes she’s 82 years old. But she doesn’t remember the exact date of birth of hers. Aren’t you curious to know her birthday?

Your father knows that his father passed away at the age of 62. However, he has forgotten his father’s date of death. And now, he doesn’t feel good about it.

There are two ways to help them feed your curiosity and help them: 1) do the math (aka the hard mode) and 2) using an online birthday calculator—or the one-touch method.

By entering age and current date in a calculator, you get the result as the birth date for that particular person.

Some tools also do the opposite. You enter the age and date of birth, and it calculates the time of death based on that.

4. When You Need to Prove a Point

One of the most popular age-related debates is those that include guessing others’ age by their DoB.  Some say, the next day of your birthday, you are one year older than the candles you blew out. And some believe the vice versa.  It only takes entering the DoB in an age calculator to see who’s right.

Calculating your age

Your age can be calculated by finding the difference between your date of birth and the current date. What we are specifically finding out is how much time has
passed since you were born. We can, of course, perform a rough calculation by subtracting the year of your birth from the current year, which will give you a figure for how many years
old you are, or will be, in the current year.

age (years) = current year — birth year

As an example, if I was born in 1995, my age in 2021 will be: 2021 — 1995 = 26 years.

Of course, this only gives you a rough figure for how many years old you will be in the current year — it doesn’t take into consideration the month and day of your birth compared to
today’s month and day. To calculate your exact age, including months and days, you need to deduct the numerical month and day of your birth from the current month and day.

How many days old am I?

People regularly ask how they can work out their age, and I point them to this calculator (it’s one of the reasons I created it). Although you
can have a rough guess by multiplying your age in years by 365, you could still be out by up to several hundred days. This will in most part be because you’ll
be working on the basis of your age at your last birthday, and therefore excluding the days since.

There’s also leap years to take into consideration. These occur once every four years and mean an extra day in the calendar (366 days in the year). Your best way to get an accurate calculation
to how old you are in days is, therefore, to use the age calculator tool provided.

[IDEA]: What’s the Most Creative Way to Use an Age Calculator?

Use the Numbers to Create Birthday Gifts

Don’t be too generic when sending birthday gifts or messages. “Happy 21st birthday” sounds boring. What about “happy 7,665th day of your life!” Using an online age calculator gives you some impressive numbers to show your creativity, especially when giving gifts or congratulating messages.  Here are some more ideas for your postcard messages:

  • “You’ve been with us for 11,037,600 minutes, and we definitely need much more! happy birthday, son.”
  • “HBD, my love! You’re 12,775 days old now. You came into my life on your life’s 9,125th day. So, we’ve been together for 3,650 days. Are you ready for another three- or six-thousands day?”
  • “Hey, girl, happy birthday. You might think 17 makes you a grownup. But here’s a quick reminder: You’re only 204 months old. Lol.”

Write Your Bio in a Unique Way

 Aren’t you tired of seeing the same old bio descriptions on social media? Things like “32 and married,” “I’m a 45-year-old guy,” and “02/09/1995.” What if you could show the fun side of your personality, even such small details? “I’ve been on the planet Earth for 8,409,600 min.” or “People have been calling me Steve for the past 11,680 days.”

Note: the only downside is that you might want to update your bio description more frequently. But you can also use the above-mentioned type of bio for your life’s milestones—that won’t change.

Impress Your Partner (or Crush)

These are examples of how you could use such a simple piece of information to impress others, show affection, or flirt with them.

  • “It’s the 406th day that I’m in love with you, And it’s great.”
  • “Hey, did you know that you’ve been on this planet for like 8,935,200 minutes, and we only spent an hour together? Text me back. There’s a lot more about you that I need to know!”

Create Memorials of the Late Ones

Write a letter to honor your late family members and friends. Create a frame with one of their favorite quotes. Or, simply use one of their pictures with a handwritten note on how you feel about them. And to make it look perfect, add their exact date of birth along with the day they passed away. You can write it as the expected date or change it to months/days/minutes to make it enjoyable. For instance, “in honor of Jasmine, who shined on our lives for 24,455 awesome days. We miss you.”

Memorials are sensitive. You want them to be perfect as you remember the person who’s gone. So, make sure you get the numbers right. (use a precise tool).

Write Posts on Your Social Media

 Your followers have no idea how many months or days you are old. But letting them know is a fun way to interact with them. You can create an Instagram Story, asking your followers what the numbers mean. You can also give them some hints using the multiple-choice option on Instagram.  Here’s an example:

 Generate Facts About Famous People and Share

 If you have a platform to share exciting stuff with others, here’s an idea: Use an online age calculator tool and gather basic info about famous people. Then, create diagrams, social media or blog posts, and publish. You don’t have to be a blogger or own a 1-million-follower page to do that. Just find people who share the same interests with you and interact with them via these facts.

Here are some ideas of what you can do:

  • Create a diagram of the success rate among sportspersons by their age in minutes. Or illustrate how many minutes it took them to achieve their accomplishments.
  • Write an article about how many days famous people have lived. Combine it with a diagram of the average lifespan of famous people—in days.

Play with Numbers and Extract Statistics

 How old were you when you graduated the university? How many years did it take you to buy your first car? When did you marry? When did you get your first promotion?

If you have the dates of your life’s milestones, use an online calculator in your own favor. First, let it calculate how many months, days, or minutes it took you to achieve them. Then, generate statistics and diagrams to see how successful you’ve been throughout these years. Or, how far from your goals are you.

What Do Other Cultures Think About Your Age?

Cultures have various views on age and aging. While adolescence might be praised in one culture, others might not find it an important feature. However, if you just used the age calculator, it’d be fun to know what other cultures think of you based on your lifespan.

About Kids

Mayan believed that kids are one of the most vital parts of families. And since families mattered the most, they cared about the children a lot.  However, they also needed the kids to be responsible and skillful. So, starting at a very early age (around 4 or 5), Mayans asked for the children’s help and gave them responsibilities.

In modern days, however, things are much different. While most cultures still value concepts of respect, obeyance, and common sense, the way they treat kids is other.  In Spain, for example, kids should engage in social activities. It’s common for them to go to bed at 10 PM and spend most of their time in family gatherings.

However, in most Asian countries, children should focus on education. Koreans, for instance, start teaching their kids as early as 2 months old! That’s while they have the longest physical relationship with their children—compared to other cultures.

Jewish parents believe that they should prepare the kids to leave them. And in the Netherlands, it’s okay to let kids avoid learning before they go to school.

About Adults

Adults in most cultures are the primary workforce. They are responsible for creating families and raising children. The authority of this group is more than others in most cultures around the world. That’s because adults form parents. And parents have more responsibilities as well as power.

The study on over 3,000 college students in over 26 cultures revealed that adults are perceived as attractive, knowledgeable, and reliable. While it shows that most cultures see adolescence as the peak of life, it also revealed that aging leads to the opposite. The rate of attractiveness, authority, and reliability decreases as you get older in most cultures.

About Elderly

In most cultures, elderly people receive respect only because of their age. According to a study (Psychology Aging 2004), 3 countries pay the most respect to older adults: Uganda, Mainland China, and Iran. There’s also an interrelation between age and wisdom in most cultures. We believe elderly individuals are wise and trustworthy. According to the same study, older citizens of Russia, Estonia, and Italy are the most intelligent people—in others’ eyes.

But there are some downsides to being an elderly as well. Almost in every culture, aging is against attractiveness. The study shows that in countries like Uganda and Iran that elderly individuals receive the most respect, people find them unattractive.

The study also assesses family authority to see how others react to older members. The controlling power of the elderly family members seems to be much lesser during recent years. The only countries that still somewhat obey them are Mainland China and Malaysia.

Как определить возраст без сервисов

Все вышеперечисленные ресурсы работают со следующими параметрами, с помощью которых формируется конечный результат:

  • морщины. В 20 лет неровности кожи не так заметны, как в 30 лет. В 50 лет морщины выражены намного сильней. Программа учитывает данные особенности и формирует конечный результат;
  • алгоритмы, по которым идет сканирование в основном основаны на анализе серых тонов. Допустим, если исходный размер фото не более 100 пикселей, то каждый из 10 000 будет иметь свой оттенок, от самого светлого, до темного. Программа начинает сравнивать несколько пиксели темнее и светлее друг от друга и определяет параметры возраста;
  • также сравниваются размеры лица, положение носа и глаз, форма рта и ушей. Программное обеспечение учитывает данные особенности, так как они в течении жизни человека существенно меняются;
  • если женщина пользуется большим количеством косметики, то узнать количество лет программным методом трудно, так как текстура кожи будет иметь небольшое количество изъянов.

Используя информацию указанную выше, можно попробовать самому узнать количество лет по фото. Это достаточно сложно, но вполне реально.

How old am I today?

If you want to know exactly how old you are, we can use mathematical calculation to find out or we can use a calculator. With the age calculator,
you can easily discover how many years, months, weeks, days and hours have passed since you were born. If you know the time of your birth, enter it into the second box for an
even more precise result. You may, very specifically, want to know:

How old was I on X date?

Should you want to know how old you were on a certain date in past history, or how old you will be at a future date, we’ve got you covered. Simply make use of
our ‘Age at Date’ option to enter a date in either the past or future. Our calculator will then make a calculation based upon that date.

Questions That an Age Calculator Answers

– How Many Months Old Am I?

The formula is simple (your current age / 12 = months you’ve lived). However, letting an online age calculation tool do the math makes it even simpler.

– How Many Days Old Am I?

Since Leap Years contain 366 days, it’s not possible to assess the days you’ve lived with a straightforward formula. It’s one of the problems that only an online age calculator can solve.

– How Many Minutes Old Am I?

A computer or tool uses a rather complicated formula to figure out how many minutes old are you. If, however, you like to calculate it yourself, you need a formula that includes Leap Years as well.

That’s because every leap year adds 1440 min. to the overall result.

– How Old Is My Baby?

Entering the birth date in an age determination tool is enough to know how old your baby is.

How Do You Categorize People by Age Determination?

Scientists, sociologists, and even archeologists employ different methods and techniques to categorize people by their age. Here the most common ones.

Method #1: Based on Lifespan

 This is what we usually use in our daily life to refer to others and classify them based on their lifespan. This method includes 8 terms—explained in the table below.

Category Age
Infant (infancy) First 28 days of life
preadolescent Between early childhood and adolescence (9-14)
Childhood Between infancy and adulthood (1-18)
Adolescence The Period from puberty to legal adolescence
Early Adulthood 21-39
Middle Adulthood 40-59
Late Adulthood 60+

Method #2: Based on Numeral Data

 In some fields of sociology and demography, people are categorized by their ages as numerals.

In this sense, the terms only refer to how old they are, and they’re categorized in decades. 

Category Age
Denarian 10-19
Vicenarian 20-29
Tricenarian 30-39
Quadragenarian 40-49
Quinquagenarian 50-59
Sexagenarian 60-69
Septuagenarian 70-79
Octogenarian 80-89
Nonagenarian 90-99
Centenarian 100-109
Supercentenarian 110-older

Method #3: According to Archeology

In archeology, the main category contains 6 stages starting with the period before the person’s birth and ending with adolescence.

Category Age
Fetal Less than 40 weeks in the womb
Perinate Around 40 weeks in the womb
Infant 0-2
Child 3-6
Juvenile 7-12
Adolescent 13-17

How to age well

A government researcher once quipped that «Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.» Luis Bunuel, the Spanish filmmaker,
joked that «Age is something that doesn’t matter unless you’re a cheese». Perhaps we can also add ‘wine’ to that?

These quotes are, of course, meant to be whimsical. There’s little doubt that while you can’t control your age,
or predict what might happen to you, you can take actions to keep yourself healthy and give yourself the best chance of reaching a ripe old age. From food, to exercise
and looking after your mental health. Here’s a great article about how to age well from
the New York Times.

Сервис How Old

Данный сайт является разработкой компании Microsoft. Он использует машинные алгоритмы для определения возраста человека по фото онлайн. Сканирование осуществляется по форме лица, анализируется, форма носа, рта, положение глаз, бровей и ушей. При этом разработчики делают акцент на том, что сервис не позволяет точно узнать необходимые параметры. Он сделан с целью развлечь пользователей.

Сервис представлен не только в виде веб-версии, но и мобильным приложением. При первом использовании, чтобы пользователь убедился в работоспособности программы, будут представлены шаблоны фотографий людей, которые можно просканировать. Далее следует пошаговая инструкция, как пользоваться веб-версией How Old , т.к. мобильная используется только на iOS и привязана к американскому iTunes.


Также можно посмотреть фотоинструкцию ниже:

Сервисы для поиска по картинкам

Расскажем о нескольких сервисах, помогающих найти первоисточник фото.


Это один из первых ресурсов, который позволил использовать обратный поиск снимков в Интернете. Он действует с 2008 года и основан канадской компанией Idee Inc.

В сервисе достаточно просто разобраться, несмотря на то, что он работает только на английском языке.

При использовании для личных целей с сервисом можно работать бесплатно.

Форма для загрузки и поиска картинки расположена в центре стартовой страницы сайта. Можно загрузить ее классическим способом или перетащить с винчестера. Здесь же можно попробовать отыскать автора фотографии, указав URL-адрес изображения, найденного в сети.

Сайт работает очень быстро и эффективно. Выдает огромное количество результатов и без погрешностей.

Если поиск первоисточника фото необходим часто, можно установить плагин этого сервиса. Он подойдет для любого из популярных браузеров.

Есть у этого ресурса и один минус. Чтобы понять, куда ведут отобразившиеся ссылки, необходимо нажать на них. При этом можно оказаться на сайтах других стран, язык которых будет непонятен пользователю. Так работа по поиску первоисточника изображения может занять много времени.


Сервисом можно воспользоваться бесплатно. У него достаточно простой интерфейс, но язык английский.

Среди преимуществ этого поисковика картинок – возможность задать тему поиска, а не только загрузить фотографию и ее URL-адрес. Так удастся значительно сузить поиск. Сервис также позволяет выделять определенную часть изображения. Это актуально, когда искомое фото включено в коллаж.

У сервиса есть также приложение для Android.

При этом можно отметить несколько недостатков. Сайт работает медленнее и не так точно как конкуренты. Может выдавать меньшее количество результатов и делать ошибки. Например, отображать не искомое фото, а похожие на него по цветовой гамме.

Яндекс Картинки

Этот сервис также помогает осуществлять обратный поиск фотографий. Можно выбрать интерфейс на русском.

Позволяет искать как целое изображение, так и его фрагмент.

Можно выбрать фото в Интернете или на компьютере.

В результатах поиска отображаются идентичные фотографии и те, что немного отличаются от указанного снимка.

Эффективность поиска зависит от наличия или отсутствия указанной картинки в Интернете и ее индексации поисковой системой.

Чтобы отыскать первоисточник, понадобится:

  1. Зайти в сервис Яндекс картинки;
  2. Нажать на иконку фотокамеры в правой части поисковой строки;
  3. Выбрать файл, перетащить его или написать URL-адрес.

После этого система укажет все найденные результаты.

Age Calculator and Date of Birth Determination Key Takeaways

  • You are officially a grownup if the age calculator says you’re 18.
  • There’s no 100% accurate method to estimate your age. An online age calculator relies on your date of birth to answer, “how old are you?”
  • While it’s easy to calculate how months old you are, it takes a complicated formula to estimate how many days and minutes old you are. That’s, however, something an online age calculator handles easily.
  • The Time Zone of the place you born can make age calculation harder. That’s because some areas are ahead of the others in terms of time.
  • The age calculator gives you the exact age of yours. You can rely on it on legal occasions as well. However, that’s true when you enter the DoB correctly and according to your ID.
  • An online age calculator provides you with a date of birth and death as well as lifespan estimation. The only information you need is the age of the person and the current date.
  • You only become one year old on the anniversary of your birthday. So, you’re 21 before the 22nd birthday.
  • Age calculation can lead to legal conflicts. That’s so because there are so many restricting laws based on the stage of development.
  • In the US, you cannot drink beverages until you’re 21. However, you can consent to have sex by the age of 16.

How old was the oldest person ever?

The oldest person ever recorded was Jeanne Calment, a woman from France. She was born on February 21, 1875 and lived until the age of 122 years and 164 days before
passing away on August 4, 1997. (ref)

Of the top 10 oldest people ever, all 10 are currently women. The oldest man ever is currently recorded as being Jiroemon Kimura from Japan. Plugging his date of birth
into our age calculator tool reveals that he lived until the age of 116 years and 54 days. He passed away on June 12, 2013.

With that said, Fredie Blom, a South African man born on 8 May 1904, was recorded as ‘unofficially’ the world’s oldest man (‘unofficial’ because he wasn’t listed in the Guinness Book of World Records).
Fredie died on 22 August 2020 at a said age of 116 years, 3 months, and 14 days.

Famous people who turn 50 years of age in 2021

Name When age 50? Name When age 50?
Mark Wahlberg June 5 Tupac Shakur June 16
Amy Poehler September 16 Lance Armstrong September 18
Snoop Dogg October 20 Winona Ryder October 29
Jeremy Renner January 7 Ewan McGregor March 31
Sacha Baron Cohen October 13 Johnny Knoxville March 11
David Tennant April 18 Elon Musk June 28
Julian Assange July 3 Christina Applegate November 25
Corey Haim December 23 Ricky Martin December 24
Mary J. Blige January 11 Charlie Brooker March 3
Ajith Kumar May 1 George Osborne May 23
Lisa Lopes May 27 Marco Rubio May 28
Mark LoMonaco July 14 Vitali Klitschko July 19
Chris Tucker August 31 Jenna Elfman September 30
Jared Leto December 26 Pep Guardiola January 18
Denise Richards February 17 Peter Sarsgaard March 7

The above data is courtesy of Famous Birthdays.

Visit the birthday calculator to find out your star sign, chinese zodiac sign, birthstone, famous people that you share your birthday with and the number one song and movie on your birthday.


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